I have personally used all these methods to my own advantage. I have also seen them draw a considerable amount of repeat business.
Three Seconds- is all it takes to introduce yourself and get a plug in for you or your business. " Hi. I'm Katy and I run Buffalo Gals Bakery & Country Store"
Three Feet- Any who gets within three feet of you..introduce yourself. Take the opportunity to hand out a business card if you have one.

Three People- the amount of people you should go out of your way to either introduce yourself to, or mention your product/business to each day.
Using the Rules of Three makes great sense economically for marketing. It didn't cost you anything to implement! It keeps your name/products in peoples minds. It also builds trust and rapport in a way that an impersonal ad can never do.
It's a great networking tool. Even if the initial contact does not want/use your product or service, that's an opportunity for you to ask them to pass your card to, or refer you to someone they know who might.
In every situation there is an opportunity to apply at least one of the Rules of Three. The rules are simple, but effective.