Me and my huge Reds |
Instead, I know I will end up eating some potatos first!
We eat so many potatos, you would think we were Irish! - Mostly fried in the cast iron skillet with onions and peppers....YUM
potato field...100 hills |
The =K guard 'Mingos (I like this shade of lipstick!) |
My uncle puts in rows of Potatos out in the field and just leaves 'em to make it on their own. And they grow just fine.
I have also has great success growing some in cardboard boxes with layers of newspaper and dirt alternated. This is great for patio gardeners!
This gardener has always wanted to try the 'Tire' method, but hubby Vetos it...that's where you would use old tires in stackable rings. I know a lady in Denver that does this to save on garden space and conserve water. She starts with one tire on the ground filled with dirt. She usually puts about 4 potatos in it. as they grow, she adds more 'rings' and dirt. When they are 3 or so tires high, she stops stacking. And just waters for the rest of the season. After the first hard frost she takes off the rings. And presto...Many potatos without the back-breaking work of hilling!
Storage- Most years we just dig, and store in the basement. We put ours in cardboard boxes (no lids) and don't pack them in. We pack loosely so they can 'breath'. The reds seem to hold the best and we can eat ours all the way through April most years. Then we use whatever is left for Seed when we plant again.
One year we had the Great Potato Fiasco. I personally planted and hilled 100 hills! -My cousins had just moved here from California and I said I would share my garden with them the first year... Fall came, hubby and boys dug the potatos. We were also still 'in the field' at this point. So hubby told the boyz to fill every barrel they could find with potatos and to drag them to the barn. He swore he'd have the boys sack 'em up and bring 'em in sooooooon. Well, soon turned out to be at Christmas when we were completely out in the house. He sent the boys out to the barn to grab a barrel and bring it in. Lo and behold... every single potato was FROZEN solid!!!....
Did I mention that we like Potato Salad??? Every family has their own 'recipe'. Some like mustard, some put in jalapenos, some like it warm. I like it cold.
Here's our 'family' recipe...
Potatos & Hard Boiled Eggs 2:1 ratio (we do 10 & 5)
MAYO!!!! (not miracle whip)
Onions - diced small (usually 1 good size onion does the trick)
1 Stalk Celery - Minced
Dill - lots
Mustard - standard yellow. No fancy stuff
Dill Relish - or a couple-three pickle spears diced up
There is no exact recipe...You just kinda start putting it all in a big bowl and add until it tastes 'right'. ....You'll know.
( And yes... I know that the correct plural spelling is p-o-t-a-t-o-e-s)
Have a favorite Potato recipe or story?
I'd like to know....